Notice to our valued patients

6 Aug 2018 2:31 PMTandem HealthNotice to our valued patients

As it has become necessary to action a small fee increase, we would like to take his opportunity to offer our valued patients some information and explanation.


My Health Record Expansion

11 Jul 2018 12:15 PMTandem HealthMy Health Record Expansion

The My Health Record (MHR) expansion has begun. Soon a MHR will be automatically created for every Australian with a Medicare or DVA card unless you tell the Government that you don’t want one. To put it simply MHR was an opt-in process, however from July the program will be expanded to an opt-out participation model.


Healthy habits really can enrich a life

1 Jul 2018 7:19 PMTandem HealthHealthy habits really can enrich a life

Take our very own Dr Steve Shepherd for example…he’s been running since 1981 and the knees and body haven’t worn out so far.


Notice to our patients about online booking providers

27 Jun 2018 11:23 AMTandem Health

Coal Board Medical FAQs for employers and workers

25 May 2018 10:17 AMTandem HealthCoal Board Medical FAQs for employers and workers

We recognise that Coal Board Medicals have become increasingly complex for employers and workers alike. We’ve included common Coal Board Medical FAQs below. Our Corporate Medical Services team encounters these questions every day and we hope our answers can assist you.

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