Advance Care Planning

2 Mar 2018 4:44 PMTandem Health
Advance Care Planning

Having discussions about preferences and a plan for care if you were very unwell is an important thing to consider.

Advanced illness or serious injury can sometimes mean that people cannot make their own decisions about healthcare. This can happen to people of all ages, and especially towards end of life.

Writing an Advance Care Plan/Advance Health Directive allows you to express what you would want if you are ever unable to communicate. This process allows you to nominate a substitute decision maker, or someone who you would like to speak for you if you were not able to speak for yourself.

Being open about your values, beliefs and preferences for healthcare if you were to become very unwell can provide peace of mind and comfort as your preferences are clear. Feeling ready to discuss these sorts of topics can take time and that’s ok. Starting discussions with people involved in your care such as family, carers and doctors is a good first step.

When you’re ready to write or if you’d like more information about writing your Advance Care Plan/Advance Health Directive your Doctor and other health professionals can be involved/assist you to document your choices.

It’s recommended that a copy of your plan is shared with your preferred decision maker and your doctor as it can form part of your medical file.

Our doctors are available to assist with Advance Care Planning. If you would like to speak with your doctor about this process please make an appointment.

Further resources and information can be found at:

Advance Care Planning Australia

Advance Health Directive Form

Enduring Power of Attorney Form

Online information for patients, carers and health professionals

PalAssist 1800 772 273 a free QLD 24 hour telephone and online service for palliative care patients, carers, family and friends seeking practical and emotional support. 

Office of Advanced Care Planning 1300 007 227 provides QLD patients, carers, family members and health professionals with advanced care planning assistance.